Whine around town.

Smiling politely, Nayru dipped her small head at the compliment paid to her name. She had never considered it beautiful before, but then again words weren’t beautiful. Nayru wasn’t sure what beauty was, it was a strange concept. Pleasing? If something pleased her did it make it beautiful? Did the sound of her name please others? Nayru had called Cwmfen beautiful, and indeed the strange women had pleased her. That wasn’t why she had let the word escape her though, there was something compelling about Cwmfen. If something was compelling was it beautiful? Nayru let the thoughts slide away as Liliana posed a question, Nayru provided her full attention on the lady.

Nayru had been told, perhaps it had been by Conor, what these buildings and posts were for. The information had washed over her and soaked in, although she hadn’t thought it would ever serve a purpose. Wine and juice? Who cared? Yet this Liliana was interested and so dutifully Nayru recited what she knew, hoping that not too many other questions would follow because she would eventually run out of answers. "Humans used to grow grapes here." She explained as her eyes swept over the old wooden posts, the overgrown orchard. "To make wine." Nayru watched to see if the word wine registered any emotion or recognition on the woman’s face. Nayru had seen the bottles, she knew that a shifted wolf could open one easily, but then what? Drink it? What for?

"Grapes still grow here you know, wild though." It would be real easy to start to cultivate again, and it seemed like the Dahlians sometimes tried to, but no one stuck around long enough to keep the orchard from submitting to the wilderness again. "If you want to look around, you can." That would be fine, right? Nayru knew this woman was harmless, and it would be rude not to offer. Nayru smiled then, letting the first hint of childishness show through. "Grapes are really fun… to step on I mean. They squish."


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