Where do you go when there is no place left?
"All right my friend..! Follow me and don't bend!"

BIOS told noding when Yuki asked him to guide her to the proposed place and then he turned and start running around the coast in the opposite direction he came from..! Of course he was far from being as fast of her companion, and yet, for some reason, he had to wait a couple times, she seemed to stop for wait for something... or someone..? Maybe both... BIOS realized then that, far away, thera was a silver figure that he could barely notice in the horizon, aproaching quickly staight to them..! There was also the little bird that BIOS looked at before, It seemed that it was not capable to fly by itself... BIOS smiled... Yuki maybe was concerned about one or both of them... Back in the days at Homeland, BIOS remembers there was no one but her mother that were actually kind to others regardless of species, shape, height and possessions... BIOS was thought to be that way though the reason of that was to get used to the wicked life they had in Homeland more than the very will to help others...

(Is people different in these new frontiers..? They can leave themselves and try to help others..?)

Bios thought. Several raindrops started to fall upon them, BIOS looked at the sky and breathed deeply the fresh breeze the storm caused, and then looked back to Yuki, and saw more clearly the figure of a silver canis approaching fast..! Again, BIOS was impresed with such beautifull figure both of the canis at his sight..!

"We'd better hurry up oh charming Yuki
or for arrive all dry we won't be so lucky..! hahaha!"

How could he reach that point after the most awful situation on his life..?? Some time later he thoght for a moment that maybe he really didn't overcame that deadly situation and that now he was in the paradise... He would notice later that was not the case... bad things would await on his path and a lot more tears were up to be drop... Anyway... among the good moments in his life... that was one of the best...

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