Where do you go when there is no place left?
OoC: Ok, I understand that we are not in the cave yet when Ever arrives... Forgive me if I am wrong, some of your phrases are really hard to read at my level girls..! XDDD


And then, after a minute and half of waiting, the silver furred female wolf finally reach BIOS and Yuki's position, she stylishly walked forward to the three (BIOS, Yuki and.... the bird...) and courteously presented herself clarifying that she had no bad intentions with them... Yuki stared at the newcomer carefully while BIOS, once again, was dumbfounded by that impressive presence before him..!

"G-Gosh..! Are like you two all the ladies around..??

For if it's like that then what a paradise I've found..!"

BIOS told what was supposed to remain in his mind, but the other two canis looked at him somewhat concerned... BIOS would realize soon that they were waiting for him to guide them to the cave he presumed to know..!

"Ah... Ow..! My apologies..! This way please..!"

He quickly turned and start running again toward the cave..! there was no more delaying this time and the three finally went into the so mentioned cave... a little bit late though as for the time they were inside they also were all bathed by the strong rain that was now outside..! They all arrived in such a hurry but still taking the unfortunate situation with humor..!

"hahaha heavens..! Now that's an extreme storm..!

That would never happen where I come from..! haha..!"

The next thing the little canis could thing to do was to shake to remove wetness from him..! Just wetting more the present ladies in the process..! When noticing this, the doggy immediately apologized to them..!

"Uh... aw aw...Ladies S-Sorry again..! I hadn't that in mind..! hehe" ñ__ñUUU


OoC: Woah! Alone in a cave with the company of two "wet" girls..?? What lucky b@574rd..! Tongue XDDD

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