Where do you go when there is no place left?

out of character text

"Oh..I didn't think that was her name, I thought-" she began before deciding to not finish "Heh, never mind." she had not listened to the female when she was talking; well, she had not listened to ALL of it. She got caught up in her thoughts all too often. Yuki turned and nipped at BIOS muzzle when he finished whispering, though she did this in a playful manner of course. Feeling a bit dumb for her mistake, she put on a immature pouting scowl. She looked at him closely; staring at him with almost innocent eyes. She wasn't trying to scare him of course, just too make him question why he had rat her out. Of course she was aware he did it because he was trying too help; explaining why she was faking her anger. She made it very noticeable to insure she didn't hurt him or his helpful personality.

Yuki turned to apologize to the female for mishearing her words, "Sorry about forgetting your name, Ever." it seemed she was having to come up with many apologies today. Instead of questioning the two on anything else she decided too keep her mouth shut; for now that is. She saw the bird gradually get closer out of the corner of her eye, seeming as if he was up to something mischievous. Before she could completely bring him to focus she realized he was standing near her ear. "Mfffff, chip!" Smiling for a moment at his new found sound she nodded as if she understood him."Chip chip chip chip chip!" he chirped loudly. "Oh my," she said laughing "You have sure got a mouth on you!" Then it struck her like unseen thunder, she would call her feathered buddy Chip.

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