Whine around town.
381 wc

Nodding Nayru moved towards the nearest building, one she knew was unlocked and in good condition. Unshifted she tried to nudged the door with her nose, and then resorted to butting it with her head until it creaked open, the wood groaning from disuse. Descending a few stairs took them into a cellar type room and inside was dusty and dark, but Nayru smiled at the scent of the past. Bottles, both broken and opened lay on the ground, a large collection pooled in one corner, but bottles full of clear, pink and red liquids lined the walls of the near windowless building. She turned to check on Liliana, smiling tentatively. It wasn’t much but Nayru liked it here, and this stranger was the first canine she had shared any of her favorite places with.

"Not all the buildings are the same…" Nayru thought about trying to explain, but she didn’t quite know how. Obviously some of the buildings were for storing the bottles, one the humans must have lived in, but the others. The large wooden barrels confused her, as did the machines and tools she found in other buildings, but the confusion only lasted as long as Nayru let herself care, then the ponderings were replaced by others. There was always something more or something else ready to grab her attention, and Nayru was eager to catch whatever came her way. As it was, alone in cellar with Liliana she felt more at ease than she had out in the open vineyards, as if any conversation they had here would be more private, and therefore any questions that she was embarrassed she didn’t know the answer to easier to ask.

"You aren’t a coyote..." Nayru’s voice trailed off as she shyly looked over the strange canine again. She felt foolish, not knowing what the other canine was exactly but knowing Liliana was not as much wolf as Nayru was herself, but if not that then what? The woman’s markings were strange, stranger than her own coat, and the fur long, the texture different. Nayru hoped that the curious but innocent expression on her face spoke for itself, that she wouldn’t have to blatantly admit that at five months of age she had never encountered a dog or dog hybrid.


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