A Whale of a Tale

I hope that you don't mind if I join in too :3

Gideon had seen his aunt Bris leave that morning but hadn't shadowed her like he normally might have. This morning Shiloh had wanted to play, and he had chosen to follow his sister around rather than his aunt. Before coming to Dahlia, he had always followed Shiloh everywhere she went...and it seemed that some things hadn't changed too much despite how much others things seemed to have. The pup was just finishing a long-winded game of tag with his sibling around the outside of the house when he heard the call, and his little ears perked up in interest. What did that call mean? Was it one of those big pack meetings? Should he go to it? What about Shiloh?

He would have to go and check it out. He could call for Shiloh if she felt like coming later...or if it was something real important. Gideon started running for the area from which the call had originated, mindful of his still-healing injuries. They were getting better, but sometimes would open up again if he took too long a stride. He kept his footsteps on the short side.

The charcoal pup came upon the group in a huff, breathing heavily. He'd come a little late..hopefully they wouldn't mind! Aunt Bris was there and he immediately went to her side, peering out at Nayru from behind Bris' back. Conor was there, too, but when Gideon noticed the leader he kept his eyes to the ground and snuggled up against Bris' side. He didn't want to seem disrespectful to Conor. Gideon was more focused on the wolves that were there, on who he knew and who he didn't know, than the actual purpose of the call. Once he was finished looking at all of the wolves (there was one there who he didn't even know!), though, his turquoise gaze went to the whale.

Never having seen such a thing in his life, the pup seemed puzzled. He caught the tail end of what Conor was saying, about it being a "whale" and "mammal", but those words didn't mean much to the boy. He looked at the rock for a second before looking away, dismissing it. "Why we 'round dis big whale rock? Is dis a meetin'?" He asked Bris, looking up at her.

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Table by Anna

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