Returning home
Welcome to a world where the air I breathe is mine \\:OOC

Word Count: 334. Worth 2 points.

IC:// Nothing to overwhelm me and nothing to cloud my mind

It did not take long for a Luperci to approach Hanna and her merry band, leading the woman to guess the tawny and night-kissed pack member had not been far off when the loner howled. The young lady introduced herself as Liliana, and the medic inclined her head. My name is Susquehanna, but most know me simply as Hanna. Desi seated herself beside her mother, having crossed the distance while she spoke, and Hanna smiled and indicated her. This is my daughter, Désirée.

The girl's ears pricked forward and then slunk back as the young hybrid gazed at Liliana. She had not met many while the single mother was evading whatever danger she had supposed was following them, and so was more shy than perhaps she had ever been or ever would be again. So instead of the bold greeting that the collie mix might have usually given, it was a quiet, Hi... that the girl peeped.

Hanna gave a smile at Liliana's compliment of the paint mare, and explained, Galilahi, Gali, is originally from the AniWayan stables. I began training her shortly after I joined here the first time. I'm hoping to breed her soon, actually. Hanna, like Liliana, could talk about horses until the cows came home, so to speak; they were, to her, perhaps the most useful animal besides other Luperci ever to walk the earth.

Cian materialized fully at that point, perhaps to aid Hanna's entry back into the pack, perhaps just to play tricks on Liliana. Either way, he turned his big blue eyes on the Elan Soquili, sat, and began cleaning his pristine right front paw in an oh so feline manner. And this smug cat is Cian, my Spirit Guide. Careful, his breath tends to be fishy, you might keel over if he breathes in your face, Hanna added with a chuckle. Cian turned his eyes to her, letting her know with his baleful glare that he did not appreciate the jest at his expense.


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