These City Walls, They Hold no Love for Me
((xD Ah, if only BIOS knew...Element's not like any cat he knows!))

Element closed his eyes and took a deep breath, appreciating the scene and the wonders of this new land, the land of Souls. Although he had lost his love and life here...there was something about it, something that drew him to live here. He lived wherever he liked; he was a wanderer, a roamer. Never in one place too long. He had been in this city for far longer than any other dwelling since his time at Souls; perhaps it was time to move on?

Suddenly, he heard a soft sound, like paws against concrete - only heavier, like a dull thudding. Element pretended to hear nothing, and scented the air; dog. Not wolf, this time, but dog. Large, by the sound of those footfalls. He wondered if its aim was to sneak up on him. Perhaps that would be true of another dog, but this dog clearly didn't know much about cats - if Element didn't smell him, he certainly would have heard him with his large, cupped ears of his.


Typical. Element slowly turned to face the dog, eyes level with his own. The dog's eyes were brown with a slightly unfocused look, and he looked a lot more like the stereotypical floppy-eared dog than the pointy-eared, keen wolves he had seen. Still, he was large, and Element had to be on his guard, even if this dog's aim was simply to scare and surprise him. In fact, that seemed to be it - the dog was jumping up and down and baring his teeth in such a manner that Element was sure he didn't mean any actual harm; perhaps he was trying to surprise Element for amusement. Again, how typical. This was more like the dog he had been used to down south, in the America - galumphing dogs like these were common. Element slowly licked his paw and drew it over an ear, wondering if the dog could speak.

"That's interesting," he said. "I haven't heard the wolves around here say 'woof' much. Shall I comply?" he asked, slight wryness in his voice. "Meow."

~Thanks to Daisuke for the absolutely beautiful table~

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