Fishing under Storm

Belle just seemed as exited for teaching her skills as BIOS himself was and so, after confirming the dog's desire to learn fishing, she immediately ran into the coast to search for a proper spot for fishing..! Afterward, she entered quietly into the sea, as she was dipping in the water, she was telling BIOS the correct way to swim... Well, it's true that BIOS lived near a coast, and it's also true that he sometimes took showers in the sea along his mother... but he had never swam until that moment... Well, It is strange to say... We, person's, normally see other savage creatures swimming just by mere instinct without being thought in all his life... It's just a basic survival mechanism in any living being... but when we quote the consciousness in the process... Well, it just becomes strangely harder to do something that by nature should be accomplished... BIOS saw Belle swimming and catching the fish so fast and fluently that she made it seem like the easiest task in the world..! Something that, of course, gave some confidence to BIOS to start trying to follow her steps..!

When she came out of the water, she released the fish near the other semi-eaten fish that BIOS held moments ago and then encouraged the canis to try fishing himself... BIOS quickly ascent and started to get inside the water in a very enthusiastic mood. As BIOS walked inner, the water was covering more and more his body until...

"Glug glug glug...."

Uhmmmm well... he just wanted to keep walking and he did so... sinking like a car being parked inside a pool... For some seconds Belle only could appreciate the tail and the left ear floating above the water... Some scene that would give the spectator the hard decision of running to help or just roll on the floor laughing (rotfl XD) but well, this case was not something to worry about, nature is just too wise to let a young soul die that way, and soon, when BIOS could not touch the sand anymore, he went out floating and taking a deep breath..!

Kicking kicking kicking kicking..!!!"
>o< U

BIOS was saying a little desperate trying to keep floating like Bell did..! Luckily for him, some advantage that canis had and humans don't is that the canis bodies are perfectly fitted to start swimming even when desperate, as paws are always shaking below and they lift the rest of the body (that is also like an empty plastic bottle) afloat... The dog quickly realized that he was actually swimming and he tried to look at Belle happily like a son watches his mom proud of receiving some special award in the school... But that was just the easiest step in the whole process of fishing. BIOS recalled in his mind the next step Belle mentioned him...

"A blurry form in the depths -ahhhh- I shall find...
And then to pounce and -ahhhh- the dinner gain..!"

BIOS recalled for himself and then concentrated his eyes on the deep blue... looking for any signal of presence and movement around..! Belle was pretty lucky actually or nature gave her more favors than humans and it's technology... Any sportsman fisher would expend several hours waiting for any fish to get the bait and even after that would make a lot of effort in attracting and finally catching a fish of the same size the red glanced canis caught..! Maybe it was starting to seem the same way for BIOS that, after many minutes of exploring bellow, he just could not see anything special... he was starting to get impatient again... but from one moment to other..!


The canis saw something suspicious passing nearby his position and he quickly, without thinking over about it, made an impulse to sink the front part of his body..! Oh gosh..! You should have seen..! The impulse was so.... "impulsive" and hard that the Dog ended giving a 180° round over his own body..! Belle just could see the four legs of the poor puppy kicking upside for a couple of seconds before the turn completed,letting the scared head of the dog out breathing as he could and kicking with even more desperation than before..! But.... you know what..? BIOS succeeded in catching something..! He could feel it in his snout after relaxing a little..! BIOS was just so exited to realize that his try was actually successful..! He immediately started to swim back to the shore with his snout stuck to the caught and when he felt the sand again under his paws, he went out quickly running toward Belle..! Releasing the prize in front of her and trying to breath and talk in the same time..!

"Look look Belle! I did it I did it..!"

BIOS barked happily and proud to Belle... though... her expression revealed something different... BIOS, noticing this, slowly turned his gaze to the prize he had just obtained... a big, fat and shimmering piece of wood from some old tree nearby..! Well... It was nice try though...

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