These City Walls, They Hold no Love for Me

Neither from there nor in company, the feline was then more special than the canis expected, still, BIOS thought that Element had to come from somewhere where all the cats were like him, and he was about to ask so…

“All right Element, I think I understand…
But your peers somewhere shall…”

“Stand”..? BIOS could not finish when Element started to tell him… wait a minute… That was not simple “telling”… He was reciting..! The cat was reciting fine poetry before the stunned dog..! “But what..?? What this cat CAN’T do..??” the can thought both fascinated and frustrated of knowing that a cat was doing something that so far was BIOS most special feature..! Haha, kind of the feeling that a cooker feels when a rival cooks better than him, but don’t misinterpret me, BIOS was not feeling hatred for Element, it was just, let’s say, that he felt that for the first time since his awakening in the beach his skills would not help him at all (And it was not like they have helped him so much, but unless he was learning to fish thanks to them)..!

But well, aside the little disappointment, it was the beauty of that poem that might have been created by some “walker” long time before the lupercis rise in this world..! The cat created it himself..? or he read it somewhere..? However the true was, BIOS would never suspect as he was hiding a little dark secret of his youth… but I’ll tell you about that later… for now “the crownless again shall be king”, the cat finished reciting…

“Ow… heavens...
Element, my dear friend feline
Those words were just sublime..!”

The dog admired very explicitly waving his tail exited..! If he had (or knew how to use) his own hands in that moment he would be clapping loud..! Congrats Element..! Once BIOS is turned on it’s hard to calm him down..!

“I agree with your fight..! We the injured shall not fall
within us is the might we use to answer homeland call..!

My life came to bane, away from my mother I left
And I’m all to blame, for escaping I ended bereft…

But yet I’m not torn, for that I am still beneath.
The place I was born I will seek while I breath..!”

BIOS, intentionally or not, told through that verse his situation and intentions…He was feeling encouraged, poetry has always been his strength, Moonglare thought him to be that way..! He was not good enough to make a whole dramatization (as her mother could), but he would be in the disposition to make a try in that precise moment..! Though… the questions in his mind returned to his mind along Element’s intriguing gaze to his eyes… The Dog calmed down a little and approached to the cat…

“But…what is that you are fighting for..?
What is what your step wants to afford?”

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