i'm exposed

She had held this image in her head for the longest time, the image of herself and Dawali together and happy, but now it was beginning to fade and tear at the edges. She had dreamed of her happiness with him for so long that it didn’t feel right to not be constantly thinking about him. Now, however, she was slowly beginning to realize that the dream was just that. A dream, and nothing more. Her night with Haku had brought a whirlwind of emotions; she had been somewhat afraid at times when she had been with him, but at the same time she’d felt a sense of freedom that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Ember had been waiting a very long time for Dawali to see her and realize that he felt the same way that she felt about him, but that night she had let all of it go and had tried to simply enjoy herself.

But today she felt nothing but sick. She had been losing her breakfast in the mornings and even now, as she walked, she could feel it coming on again. She’d eaten fish for supper, maybe that was it. Ember threw up just as she was passing the border of the Phoenix Valley pack, fish tails and scales making their way back up. She found her way to a small pond and lapped at the water gratefully, using it to clear her mouth out a bit.

She had come to speak to Geneva, to ask the woman’s advice. She was considering giving up on Dawali and trying to focus more on herself. She hadn’t been well lately. Ember didn’t feel that she was wrong by crossing the borders, as she had received permission before to do so, and she passed through the territory rather quickly, heading for the middle of it. From there she would try and pick up on Geneva's most recent scent. Ember was glad to see another small lake coming up in the distance and she crept slowly around it once she reached it, looking for a good place to get nice and close to the slowly rippling water.


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