and a crow brings me back
Sorry for the delay!
     It had been nearly two weeks.
     Gabriel no longer woke to night-terrors, and was healing slowly. His body ached still. Yet the monster had fallen, and with him an era. The Aquila was pleased that it was done. He was lucky. This place was lucky. His own mother had been wounded days before the beast had come to him, and Gabriel did not doubt that Haku sought to kill her to enrage him. Though he would never admit it, Gabriel understood Haku far too well.
     They were, after all, the same.
     Returning on a patrol (for Gabriel often patrolled at night, either alone or with Hybrid), the Aquila broke into a run. He had not been able to run far with his wounds, and found that this was again the case. After perhaps a quarter of a mile his body had refused to continue. Aching, furious, the coy-wolf’s face had twisted into a grimace and he had to take several long minutes to quiet the pain. By the time it had subsided the field was lightening..and with this light, he spotted a figure in the distance. It was small, but dark. Picking up his pace to a slow trot Gabriel neared the stranger, balking as the scent finally hit him. “Talitha?” He called out, drawing ever closer.


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