Sit! I said Sit!


The behemoth let forth a Cheshire cat like smile as she referenced the language he spoke with. For a few moments he let the female talk, just simply sitting there nodding in recognition that she had spoke.

“It is French my dear… The language of my birth country” he replied simply to her question. “Forgive me for not being forth coming with answers, I am normally cautious of people I do not know” The wolf let his shoulders shrug then in a dismissive way, eyes scanning across the field in front of the house looking for anything of note other then the female beside him. Finding nothing those blue orbs shifted back to her form to study it for a moment, sizing up the female beside him. The behavior was normal protocol for the new pack mate, to see just who inhabited this land and if they were worth much of his time. His eyes fell upon the soft outlined form of hers with quiet regard, the ebony women was defiantly built well but as of yet he was unsure of her mental worth.

The game was almost fun to him as he let a grin widen across his maw shaking his head quietly. “ My name is Saluce” the behemoth said quietly. “And yours madam? And may I inquire as to your intentions here in Dahlia? This land is quite beautiful but beauty itself is a fragile creature and as I am inclined to care about its future I am also inquisitive to know about its inhabitants new or old”With a look of quiet resolve his blue orbs lost all their playful nature toward the women his eyes piercing almost daring anyone to lie to him. It was the game as it was though, to determine if her intentions where pure.

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