and a crow brings me back


Gabriel had aged, as everyone was destined to grow older. Seemed like everyone and everything materialistic eventually shifted and changed, but one thing that did not change was her father's warmhearted, affectionate smile. Gods, what she would do in order to see that smile and feel Gabriel's warm embrace upon her again, no matter how tattered he was. Everything about him, from the way that he walked, spoke, smelled, was true home. It was easy for Talitha to fall right into that graceless sort of half hug, have nuzzle canines did. Awkward or not, it did the trick for her to make her feel, for once, that everything was going to be alright in the world. It stirred about such inner emotions of fondness and tenderness the hybrid forgot she even had; they were all suppressed beneath her greater, darker emotions that was kept at bay by her inner critic. This isn't going to last long, it would speak from the darkest confines of her mind, Eventually you'll do something in order to test his disappointment with you. Shaking her head in order to push that pesky voice away from her train of thought, Gabriel assured her that he was fine. There was a small smile that crept on her muzzle. "Yeah, you're always fine. What was I thinking? You're still the leader of Inferni and all, of course you'll be fine." Talitha gave a playful roll of her eyes. How silly she was.

Her crimson eyes glossed over then with Gabriel's next words, holding back the urge to shed tears. With her father's soothing words that were no match for a mother's own reassuring ones, Gabriel encouraged that this would always be Talitha's place, no matter what happened. As much as she knew Gabriel would always welcome her into his heart and home, it was her inner critic that said otherwise. For all the things that happened before, Talitha didn't feel like those words held true to herself. She didn't feel that, no matter how much Gabriel felt like true home, that Inferni itself was rightfully a true home. Home is something you earn or have kept, neither of which you've done, her darker conscious would whisper, What makes them think you wouldn't betray them once again? You've done it countless times before, might as well have them make a special rank for runaways. She didn't feel like she held capability in order to rise through the ranks like she used to, but then again, maybe it was because now she was tattered, exhausted, and most vulnerable to her darker musings. That voice got annoying, but it couldn't go away, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it.

As soon as Gabriel mentioned food, her stomach jumped at the opportunity to make itself vocal and lightly rumble. Food did sound very good, maybe even a little bit more than finding a place to rest. Her energy was sapped and spent, and judging by the way Gabriel was moving things along, there was no room for her to question anything else, despite how Talitha was very interested in everything that happened with Gabriel while she was gone. "That sounds amazing right now, dad. I'd love to." Talitha replied, and stepped back some in order to have him lead the way to their destination for food and rest.

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