there won't be a next time

WC:353 (3 Points) OOC: hopefully this is ok, if I need to change anything let me know!!! And you has permission to berate him and/or slap him Wink

As Niro listened to princess he felt worse, and more selfish then ever. He wasn’t feeling sorry for her, and he could understand her anger, but he knew that every wolf was their own entity. He was quiet after she finished talking, for a little bit so she could get her bearings. Then calmly spoke, slowly, not like she was dumb, but like he was thinking rather hard, he wanted to choose his words wisely in this case.

I know how you feel. I watched my parents as they chased off a pair of thieves. We stayed in the general area until another pack of thieves came. We never saw them again. You at least know your brother has every intention of being alive. It sounds to me that he needed to go his separate way.

He swallowed, hoping this didn’t bring an outbreak of unhappiness on him, but from what she was saying, that’s what it sounded like. He took a few more breaths.

I know it’s hard to hear, I would do the same thing. I love my sister, and she loves me, we both know that, I know that we will eventually go our separate ways.

Just talking to her seemed to calm himself down, and he was also giving himself advice it seemed, which was all well enough, he needed what he could get. He was glad he knew where his sister was right at the moment but any day she would be walking out of Cour des Miracles, and Niro wouldn’t be able to follow her. He knew how much that would hurt, but he’d know she’d be able to take care of herself, no matter how many things he threw in anger (since that was what he did on such occasions.)

If he wants to see you again, I’m sure he’ll find you no matter what. Deep down we all know our siblings won’t always be there.

He was going to get slapped in the face verbally or physically, just for saying something like that, especially to one in denial, he’d be ready for it at least.


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