Hakuna Matata

WC: 394 (3 Points)

Niro returned her smile and turned back to look at the horizon. Yep a lovely day and it was getting better. He loved learning new things be it useful or useless it didn’t matter to him. He let his ears drift to her when he heard the word city

I have heard there was a city nearby, I’ve just not really cared to go and check it out. Although I agree new things are very nice.

his collection of new happened to be his birds and the leather he collected from his kills that he tried making things into. He wasn’t a bad leatherworker himself, he was pretty good at it if he really wanted to work on something that got his attention. Denali jerked from the silence and then the touch to his feathers, but it wasn’t one that made him pull away. He was getting use to others touching his fur at odd moments.

Oh thank you, no they are marahute’s parents. I use to have some frm Florida, but … well they grew old sadly. I got lucky to find a pair of golden eagles nesting around here.

as he said this, anything he was about to say was cut off as he had an actual catch on his fishing pole. Now he stood up and the instance between that and Marahute falling indignantly to the rock he’d pulled on the line as Rurik had showed him. He was hoping beyond hope this time it wasn’t a small fish. Once he pulled the line out of the water he was pleased to see a fish quite a bit bigger than his first catch and wished this was his actual first catch but it was ok. The fish slapped the air trying to swim back in the water as it suffocated on the dry air. Now Niro tried to remember what to do next. He couldn’t remember. He pictured Rurik pulling the fish off the hok, but this one was making a big fuss.

I don’t suppose you know how to take a fish off the line do you?

He asked hopefully, he would do what he could if she couldn’t, he grabbed the fish like Rurik had, but it was so slippery it came right out of his hand with one slap. He frowned… ok this WAS harder than it looked.

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