Half of my heart
Me tooo, don't worry <3

A few of the younger horses from the previous season were beginning to enter their adult stages, slowly but surely. She could see the spark in their eyes lessen a bit as they grew older and wiser and lost some of their youthful energy. Many of the young stallions still had some spunk left in them, but the mares seemed to settle more quickly into the adult routine. The youngsters didn't play as much any more.

Lotus had been gone for a little while now. It was different inside her spacious den without him, and she missed him a lot. He'd kept her going some of those nights, had kept her from giving up on things like she'd done in the past. She didn't want to go back to her old ways, but without her warrior duties and tribal duties she wondered what life would be like. So far she was handling it alright.

Her brush stroked gently over Bayard's back, and she whispered quietly to the horse as she brushed him. He was rather upset with her, she knew...he hadn't liked that she had gone out of the territory for so long without him. He could see that she had drained herself of energy from the long walk up around the other territories. She conversed with him in low tones as she brushed, getting tangles out of his mane and tail when she was finished brushing his coat.

Dawali seemed to appear out of nowhere, his voice very suddenly calling out near the stable door. She paused in her brushing to look up, surprised. Ember had known she would have to talk to him, but her heart thudded nervously in her chest nonetheless. She turned to hang the brush back up on its nail, then faced the leader.
"I meant to find you..ta talk to you"
She said awkwardly.

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