The ocean rolls us away

Well Gideon is cuter lol. WC: 457 {3 points}

Layla stood and waited for the young pup to wake from his little dream. She snickered a bit as he jumped and moved back. It wasn’t long before her little trick was over and he realized who she was. She moved over to his side and couldn’t help but laugh.

"I...I didn't recognize yew, Miss Layla! You surprise-ed me! Whatchoo do that for huhhh?"

She laughed and nuzzled the little pup. ”Aww come on Gideon, I can’t have a little fun with you. I was just having some fun.” Layla was so happy to have Gideon in the pack. He was a cheerful little pup and brought joy to her every time she saw him (of course she’s only seen him twice though). She began to wish that Gideon was her own pup. She would care for him as if he were her own. This thought parked another question. Where was his real mother? He had seen him around with his Aunt Bris but never with his mother. She figured something must have happened to her. She didn’t want to bring any bad memories back to the young pup so she kept quiet about it. She moved her ears up and her orbs to the pup as he spoke again.

"Whatchoo doin' out here? You found a hole to sleep in too? Is cooler in da hole! You can use my sleeping-hole if you ever want to, I'll share it!"

The thought of a nap before eating was not such a bad idea after all. She licked Gideon and then nodded. ”I actually didn’t come here to take a nap. I came here to have a little cook out lunch on the beach, but a little nap before then sounds good.” She looked to the hole and then gently pushed Gideon with her tail. ”Stand back Gideon.” Once he was a good ways out of the way, she began to dig with her front paws. She looked behind her and saw nothing but sand flying into the air. She made it so that the hole was a bit deeper and wider so that it could fit both her and Gideon. She then remembered she still had her stuff sitting on the rock. She ran over to it and grabbed her satchel’s strap in her jaws. She then carried it over by Gideon and set it just outside the hole. She then looked to Gideon and smiled. She lowered herself into the hole and curled her legs under her body. She laid a bit on her side and then looked to the hole. She left a spot near her chest for Gideon. She waited until he was laying with her before she licked him gently again.

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