The ocean rolls us away

WC: 595 {5 points}

Layla was glad to see that the young oup was eagar to go hunting with her. She figured the pup hadn’t learned how to hunt yet and teaching him how to early would give him a chance to practice and get better at his skills. She smiled and then looked to the bird she had in her mouth. She rushed back over to her stuff and gently laid down on a nearby rock so that no sand would get into where her teeth marks were. When she came back she noticed Gideon was taking a shot at it. She watched as the birds flew away and the little pup quickly gave up. Well this wouldn’t do. She wasn’t about to let Gideon give up so easily. She moved over to him and lowered her head down to his. She nuzzled him gently to acknowledge that he tried. She thn paused ashe spoke to her.

"Is dere anyfing else that we can eat? They know I was there"

Layla slowly lowered her rear to the pup’s side and thought for a moment. Was there really anything else around here besides birds? She went through the list of prey but none really lived around the ocean. She let out a small sigh and and shook her head. ”I’m sorry Gideon but I don’t think there’s really any other prey around besides birds…” She then moved her head and looked over to the beach. There were some seagulls and they didn’t seem bothered by the two wolves being there. She smirked at the idea of letting Gideon try and get them. She flicked her ears as she heard him continue.

"Unless you want me to try again, 'cause I can try!"

She smiled. She was glad to see that Gideon had the fighting spirit and was ready to get up and try again. She nodded and then slowly rose up onto all fours. She leaned her head down to his ear. ”Glad to see you’re in high spirits Gideon. Come on, follow me.” She began to lead him back down towards the ocean and then stopped at a distance. She held her paw out in front of the pup’s path to get him to pause with her. She looked to him and then looked ahead at the gulls. They still hadn’t begun to fly and weren’t even bothered by the wolves. She lowered herself to a crouching position and thus began her little lecture. ”Here’s the trick Gideon. See these birds are a bit easier to get. They’re not really bothered by us being here so it’ll be easier to get closer to them. Now, feel the sand under your feet. It’s soft so it’ll make any noise made by your feet seem silent. Now, take note of the position I’m in. Crouching is good because once you get in range, you use your back paws to launch yourself at your prey. Here, I’ll show you a bit.” She walked carefully and made sure to maintain her position. She only went a few steps ahead of her before she laid down in the sand. She looked back to the pup and nodded towards the birds. ”Try now Gideon. I’m sure you’ll be able to get one now. Aim for…” She looked amoung the birds and smirked. She made one of her claws come out and pointed towards a small one with it. ”Try and go for that one Gideon.” She then laid her paw back down in front of her and watched to see the pup’s next move.

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