Sit! I said Sit!


With a pleased look on his face Saluce watched her sit next to him again. Oh how that sweet scent of hers played dangerously on his nose, and those blue orbs drank in her form. A soft upturned eyebrow poked upwards as she revealed her backside to him. He was more interested in the way her backside tapered into her hips then the beautiful dragon tattooed on her back but his eyes did at least take a moment to look it over… with a bit of reluctance anyways. As she turned back to him, ears alert as he listened to her describe everything the behemoth sat there wondering what it was he would ask her next. A playful thought crossed his mind, questions involving having her twirl around for him but again, he was old enough to stop with the boyhood games. With a quiet wink he leaned in closer to her, shifting his body closer.

With a practiced touch his hand brushed that same strand away from her eye so he could look over her face better, close enough that his breathe could be felt against her fur of her own. Was it natural for him to be so smitten… yes if not he wouldn’t have been chased out of so many castles and homes because of his insistence to take from the opposite sex what he wanted. Normally this sort of game resulted in him leaving in the morning, leaving a broken heart of some poor soul who didn’t understand that he had already gotten what he wanted, the game over, and he was gone. But was it natural for him to behave in reluctance? NO. Saluce had only ever in his life allowed himself to do more than a one night stand but once, and even now his past flooded back into his mind. As he stared at those beautiful eyes of hers, the male almost drew in closer but stopped, still smiling though. Shaking his head softly as he relaxed a bit eyes still looking over at hers, hand still softly residing along her cheek, it seemed like all was there except one act.

“You have beautiful eyes” he finally spoke, allowing himself the privilege of showering another complement to her. If he were to continue anything with her if past experiences taught him anything, then he’d have to force himself to take it slow. “I think I could get lost in them if I stared to long” again he was almost to smooth for his own comfort but the reason for it seemed that he meant it instead of just saying it.

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