creating something out of nothing

Table © Gen
wc: 300+

Again, her words stole away his fascination, those ever-blue eyes entranced with the vision of this hippie goddess, her tawny pelt flecked gold in the sunlight, and her mellow eyes lidded entrancing as she look up at him. As with most all he had met thus far, Caillen's immense size made her seem fragile and slender, a whil' o' th' wisp, or a pixie caught in mortal form. Unable to refrain from doing so, the slate and ivory manchild caught himself staring, before dropping his gaze meekly back to the rich violet hues of the tapestry.

"Clover Love." He whispered her name to himself, peeping sheepishly back up at her and offering another shy and goofy smile. "That is a lovely name, miss Clover Love. I've never heard o' one quite like it." Indeed, her calling was strange but wondrous, but who was he to judge? Many found his surname strange, for Winters was the calling of a season as well as that of his mother's bloodline. Caillen had taken her last name rather than his father's, Romano, for his father had been a beastly creature, and Cai wanted naught to do with the likes of him.

Her movement surprised him, and the youth would have recoiled warily from her outstretched hand but for the fact that he was sitting down and the motion seemed awkward. So he simply sat stiffly, unsure of what to do, as her slender female fingers twisted in the checkered waves of his scarf. The article of clothing had lasted quite a white, although its were tattered and in need of repair from constant dragging on the ground as both a pup and an adult. However, he was very fond of the worn old thing, and washed it at every opportunity with loving care. Blue eyes darted, slightly nervous and bewildered with her lack of hesitance, to meet the yellow of her own.

"W-w-well nay, miss, I di'int. B-b-but I found it, see. In an old building. Err, rather, hotel, I mean... Yes, hotel. Found it there." Caillen stuttered awkwardly, as he was prone to when flustered. It was an amusing flaw for a child perhaps, but as a 'grown man', it embarrassed the youth to no end. As a child he had been teased mercilessly for that stutter, and to have it return now, infront of such enchanting company, was mortifying. Desperate to draw attention away from it, the young male gestured at her snug denim pants. "They look nice on you. I mean, er, nae offense, I'm sure you look nice in anything, but I was... Y'know, I dinna think I've seen them before."

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