Should of stayed home
Sorry for the long wait! WC: 671 {5 points}

Layla just couldn't believe that this was happening. How could this day go so wrong. Today was supposed to be a good day for gathering her herbs and yet here she was about to become the victim of a powerful beast. She could feel his powerful movement inching closer to her each second that passed by. The mistress' side and muzzle began to sting more as she tried to move out of the way. It was as if her life was slipping away and the beast was going to get her. Once the creature was only a little ways away from her, she closed her eyes, bracing herself for the bear's next attack. She prayed for a mircle to happen and that the terrifying beast would back off.

At that moment it was as if her prayers were answered. Once the eyes of the mistress opened, there was a black wolf passing her and heading for the bear head on. What a relief to know she was going to live to see another day. The moment came when she realized she was still in danger if she didn't move. Her body felt too heavy as she tried to lift herself off the ground. THe mistress hadn't realized that her side was cut as well until after she tried to move. The scent of her own blood filled her nose as she again tried to move. The blood flowed out of her side and muzzle as she just crawled her way aside. Layla didn't get very far before the pain came back once more. How in her right mind did she thing she'd be able to move with all this pain. It wasn't until she heard the wolf yelling that she finally picked herself up and moved slightly out of the way. Layla couldn't go far but she was sure it was enough to be out of the bear's way. Wanting not to move anymore, Layla slowly laid on her back to reduce its pain and let the blood flow onto the rocks. Her obs moved back to the stranger who had injured the bear even more. The mistress felt so helpless that she couldn't help her rescuer. A soft snarl escaped her lips as she watched the bear flee. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly.

Layla watched as the wolf moved back over towards her. The wolf wasn't even looking to her, though she couldn't tell because her eyes were still closed. The mistress could hear the wolf hissing to her as she scolded her for not having protection. Layla knew this was coming. She was a healer, not a fighter, so of course she didn't have a weapon to defend herself. She didn't answer the wolf, not wanting to be yelled at anymore by her rescuer. The yells just kept coming. How the hell was she supposed to know there were bears around here? Layla was just here to get herbs and leave, not expecting to be attacked by anything. The mistress felt like such an idiot for not being cautious. What surprised her was that the wolf was worried if she was alright. This must have been one of the wolves from Crimson Dreams. She slowly opened her eyes and looked to the dark female. "I'll be fine... There should be some aloe ointment in my bag along with some bandages... Can you get those for me please...?"

Once the wolf grabbed her things, she would take the aloe and rub it on her wounds. From what she read the aloe herb helped not only with burns but cuts as well. Once the aloe was on, she would ask for the wolf's help to get the bandages around her waist. Once all that was done, she would put some aloe on her muzzle as well. She carefully raised herself to lean against a tree. Her orbs turned to her rescuer as she formed a slight smile. "Thank you... What's your name ma'am... which clan do you come from...?"


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