The ocean rolls us away
WC: 607 {5 points}

Layla watched as the pup was practicing what she had shown him. So far he seemed good at it and would make a fine hunter one day. Even if he was just a pup now, it was good to learn these skills at a young age. Gideon was about the same age her father began to teach her how to hunt. Looking back on it now she was glad her father started her out that early. It was then when she recieved the feathers that she wears from her father. They were from the first two birds that she ever caught. it was a proud acomplishment for her and her father. It was what made her the hunt she is today. Her orbs moved from her daydream to the pup who was now working on stalking his prey. so far he was doing well and keeping her lesson in mind. It was wise of him to move along the rocks. Blending in with one's surroundings was an important aspect to catching prey. He was soon in enough range to attack and catch his first bird. The mistress waited in excitement as he leaped at the bird.

Gideon's next move surprised Layla a bit. He was able to grab a hold of the bird's wing and bite down on it. Shae was happy to see that the pup was able to catch something, but he then couldn't end it. She watched as the pup began to panic and complain about hurting the bird. The mistress wasn't surprised to see the pup acting this way. At his age, why would he want to harm an animal? Perhaps it was best to just let the bird go, but not until she got something. It was what Gideon asked her that shocked her a bit. He wanted the bird to be his pet. Was that even possible? Would the bird even allow itself to be near a wolf and be friends with it? Oh well, there's a first for everything; although, it was probably best to bring up the option of what he could do if he couldn't keep it. "Hmm maybe. I don't know if that'll be possible Gideon. Do you think your Aunt will let you keep a pet bird? She may not but I guess it wouldn't hurt to patch up his wing."

Seeing as the bird's wing was most likely broken, it wouldn't be too hard to catch it; although, seeing as she was in her secui form, she may harm the bird more just catching it. She quietly moved back over to her satchel so she could grab her clothes. Seeing as she had waited long enough, it was good for her to change into her optime form. A low growl passed through herlips as she heard her bones cracking as her muscular body shortened to her thin optime body. Her hair grew longer as she grew taller. The mistress was now in her optime form, but naked. She quickly searched through her satchel and grabbed her clothes. She quickly slipped into them before returning to Gideon and carefully picking up the bird. She held him until she got back to her bag. Layla sat down crossed legged so the when she set the bird down he wouldn't be able to run. Once that was done, she dragged her satchel over and grabbed the aloe ointment she carried around with her. She figured it would help to heal the bite marks in the bird's wing. Once that was done she patched it up with her bandages and smiled. "There you go Gideon. 'Fred' is all fixed."


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