there won't be a next time

WC: 397ooc: Niro fails

Her reaction was understandable, and frankly something he almost half believed in, but he knew that one of these days he would have to part with his sister, no matter how much he hated it. That’s why spending time with her now was so crucial to him. He took a patient sigh, although what he really wanted to do was just shake her and hope sense came into her head.

Every wolf has to go their own way, sometimes they stay near, sometimes they go far away, a wolf can’t do something just because another wants them to do it.
He said calmly, thinking as fast as he could to get it all out before she interrupted him.

I guess I could say my sister will one day leave me, and it seems it may be sooner than later.

He said, his voice cracked on the last few words. He didn’t want to think about his sister leaving him. He knew she wasn’t the same as most wolves, she’d always had him to save her tail whenever she got in trouble, but he could tell she’d been maturing as of late, although she still had her fantasies and thought most of what was in her books was real, but she was starting to understand more lately.

I don’t think your brother is a coward, although… it was rather rude of him to leave without a goodbye, but he’ll always be your brother… agh I guess I don’t know entirely what I’m saying, or how to say it.

He sighed with frustration. He knew what he wanted to tell her, but he felt he couldn’t get it all out into words. For all he knew… he made it all worse. That was the last thing he wanted to do so he waited for her answer to what he was saying, hoping what he said was what he wanted to get across, he could tell she was quite angry with her brother though, he might be too if Orin went off and didn’t say goodbye or leave a note. He knew he wouldn’t be so angry even if she did leave a note but not saying goodbye, it was like, she’d never want to see her again… the thought came into his head and he finally added

I’m sure your brother does care about you very much though.


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