Should of stayed home
Sorry for the wait ^^; WC: 710 {8 points, 1 for Word of the Day}

Layla could tell from the look on the on the black wolf's face. She wasn't the only one who was worn out. The wounds the mistress was suffering from drained the life out of her. She was going to need help getting home or she could have to wait until some of the pain was gone before heading home. The mistress looked over to the wolf, a thought floated into her mind. Why didn't the wolf just kill her? She was weak enough and it was obvious that she was not from Dahlia de Mai, so why would this wolf let her live? The only thing Layla could think of was that the wolf was from one of the packs her pack was allied with. What other explination was there? The mistress turned to the she wolf with a zetetic look on her face. She just couldn't figure this female out. First she saved her from a bear, but now she wasn't helping her with the wounds? In a sence it was Layla's own fault for wanting to do it herself but surely a wolf from an allied pack would still try to help her anyways. Did this wolf have some sort of grudge against Dahlia de Mai? She was soon to find out.

Layla could tell from the way the female was acting that she disliked her. Something about the mistress was ticking this wolf off. If it had to do with turning her day into a rescue mission then she couldn't help that. She could tell from how the female was treating her belongs she was not pleased with the mistress. Tossing her things around like they were nothing. The least she could have done was lay them near her injured figure. Layla was still patching up while the other wolf was gathering up her things. Oh sure her things were much more important than those of an injured wolf. The mistress couldn't help but emit a low growl in anger at how her rescuer was treating her. Here she was, thanking another wolf for rescuing her and yet it seemed like she didn't care at all. The injured wolf was beginning to rethink about repaying this snobby wolf. How deeply the thought of not giving back to the wolf burned in her mind, she knew she had to. It just seemed wrong not to repay someone for saving them.

Layla couldn't help but send a chill down her spine as the wolf smiled coldly and said her name. So her name was Lucia. A cold name to fit such a cold and dark colored wolf. She sure was proud of her name, but then again who wouldn't be? If a wolf didn't like their name then surely they'd change it. Her ears moved back as she made a smart remark as if she knew which pack she belonged to. The mistress took a quick sniff but the scent was foreign. She had never smelled it before, not to mention that the scent was clouded with the smell of blood. She paused and shook her head gently before she said she was from Inferni. Inferni? No that couldn't be right. Inferni and Dahlia de Mai were on terrible terms, so why would one help her? On another note, she heard Inferni was made up of nothing but coyote's and jackels, so what was a wolf doing in the pack. She shook her head, trying to tell herself this wolf wasn't from Inferni, but this wolf was too proud of that fact to not be from that pack. A soft sigh passed her lips as her orbs moved from the ground and then to Lucia. "Even so, your pack and mine are not exactly allies. Why would you help me?"

Not wanting to stay here any longer, Layla fought against the pain and forced herself up. She gripped her side before moving back over to her things and getting them. She was sure that Saluce would be worried about what was taking her, so she wanted to get home as soon as possible. It was proving difficult, but she knew she had to. Carefully she moved from tree to tree using them as support, trying to carry herself home.


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