bull in a china shop

Two days is not a wait, bb. xD 300+ words.

Truthfully, Lolita did not know what Pippa had been doing with herself during the days and nights now that she belonged to Dahlia de Mai, just as she did not know everything that she had done before coming here. They had been separated for so long and they had both changed. The creamy woman knew that she, in particular, had changed far more than drastically. Even physically she was different. Not only was she deceased, but she kept her hair dyed a fiery red and she had a tattoo visible through the very thin fur of her forehead. She was incapable of taking her lupus form. Everything about her was different, physically and emotionally and even mentally.

She did not know if Pippa would still love her now. Lolita was not the same as she had been the last time they were together. Especially now, she was pregnant. After meeting Anu, Lolita had come to realize this as true, as much as it pained her. She had never believed it possible for herself, but if it was (and it certainly was), why did it have to happen now? It was terrible timing, but she knew that she had already been a few weeks along when Pippa had come to the borders. She had not yet known fo her condition, but it had certainly been there, all the signs present and seemingly ignored by Lolita.

"Pippa," she said quietly, speaking through the closed door, "I'm pregnant." She did not know what else she could say about it—everything and nothing. What else could she possibly say? Lolita was a smoker, a drinker, and kind of promiscuous. This was not the same Lolita that Pippa knew. Hell, even her name was different, the Haskel having been dropped from her name immediately after her death.

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