You're the Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine!

crazy heath-dad is crazy!

It felt like in an instant his life had changed, and yet the world still turned and the seasons still changed. And yet his small world would never be the same. Heath felt such worry and such excitement for the mother and the unborn that he was almost consumed by the duel feelings. But there was always something from the outside world that called to him, something that needed his attention as well. As much as he wanted to the Marshal could not put his responsibilities to the side and simply watch over the merle collie. Of course she would have tolerated his watching eyes for a mere moment before telling him to keep busy. They needed to wait, for waiting was all they could do at this point.

So the male had come to the stables early so that he could retreat to the cabin before dark and bring a meal with him for his hungry mate. Then he could dote over his beloved and talk to the little round belly, as they lay on the old couch together. He stood in the field, checking on a nameless sandy hued mare that had recently given birth to a bouncing colt. Both were fine, and Heath looked her over with a passing gaze and a soft hand. Lum would be giving birth in the next few months, but Heath would be an experienced father by then. It frightened him, to death actually, but he would have Ruri to help him with the pups and the rest of the pack as well. They would be beautiful and healthy and theirs. And they would love their parents where Heath hated his father.

A voice rang in his ears, calling him and making him turn his head quickly. In the distance he saw the lean silver figure, the bump on her stomach notched out of her silhouette oddly and yet beautifully. Though the tone of her voice did not alarm him, Heath frowned and his brow creased with concern. As fast as two paws could take him the male raced through the field. His breath was ragged, and he kept the worried thoughts from his mind. Heath startled the herd, making them turn and run from his path. The only ones that remained were Stark and Lumière.

What Ruri, what is it? He said to his blind mate before jumping the fence with one clambering leap. He huffed and panted and amber eyes looked her over as if he would spot the thing that ailed her.

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