Washing by the Lakeside

Sure! And thanks for replying! :3 EDIT: Oh, jeez! I meant to reply to this as Skye! >.< Just pretend this is Skye's account, not Element's.. -facepalm-

Skye looked at her reflection in the still lake. She was clean, and now her fur was drying. It dried quickly, but not so with her hair - it was still dripping wet, and she took the ends and began to wring it dry. She watched as drops of water fell from her hair into the ground below. Were there other things in this place? Would she run into someone? A wolf? What if she ran into someone from Inferni...? She shuddered at the thought and looked back to the lake. She hoped that not all of them were like that..

Suddenly, she heard a noise. It was an enormous sound, sort of like a large cough. Or was it a sneeze? Skye took a deep breath, and dread filled her heart.


Without meaning to, a small yelp escaped Skye. She whirled her head around, and froze in her tracks - yes. There, right there, was an enormous grizzly bear, her shaggy hair hanging off her body and her nose sniffling as if she'd just sneezed. She just did. Skye closed her eyes, but knew that wouldn't help - and it wouldn't make the bar go away, either. She took a deep breath. There was no running from a bear, was there? She opened her eyes again and looked at the other. She was looking at her curiously - there was no hostility in the glance, but Skye could never be too wary. And she started wishing, not for the first time, that she was still in her cabin at home with her mother and her father.

She studied the bear some more. She was wide-eyed, her paw clasped over her face as though she were startled, or was afraid of something. Her body was half-concealed in the bushes, and Skye faintly wondered if she could talk. She didn't know what else to do - she wasn't stupid enough to run from the bear - it could catch her in an instant. She wasn't fast, or strong - only smart. And what would smart do now, in the face of an enormous creature that could rip her apart in an instant? Skye closed her eyes once more and, in her panic, could only wish the bear away.

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