The bag of holding


Crimson Dreams certainly had its fair share of pups, if not more. Between the pups, especially Alder, and the orchards, Anann wouldn't be surprised if Rem tried to get her to move to Crimson Dreams. Luckily it was not far at all to visit. Especially at the pace that the stallion preferred to travel. Anann could only imagine the kind of trouble that many growing minds could cause. Been well. Got my cabin built and have been settling in. There was much that still needed to be done, and would be for some time. All in due time, it would provide shelter and warmth enough in the winter. That was all that really mattered.

Anann could have wished for a better reaction as Mati stared agape at the bag. Having mainly only using her leather crafting abilities for her own needs, she had been slightly nervous about crafting something for someone else. She was sure in her abilities to make something of quality, but she could only hope that was exactly what Mati had wanted. Anann beamed as it was declared perfect. She had hoped it would be just that. "I'm so glad you like it! Though, the bag was not a gift, they had agreed on a trade. Anann just had not had any idea of what she had wanted to ask for in return, at least not at that time. She had given it some thought since then and though she had something in mind. She still wanted to see Mati's work, just to make sure it was what she wanted.

Anann looked around the room, there were various pieces of the other woman's work scattered about. You are very talented, I see. Her style was very pleasing to the eye, or so Anann thought. The trade should be made with little trouble at all. Now that Anann had something in mind.

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