The ocean rolls us away

WC: 370 {4 points, 1 point for Word of the Day}

Although Layla could see the willingness to learn in the pups eyes, she was not going to teach the pup how to make a fire until his aunt said it was alright. Fire is dangerous if not handled properly and she was not going to be the one to bring Gideon home hurt because he was messing with the fire. Only with Bris permission would she teach the little one the handle something this dangerous.

As the fire was still building up its flame, Layla was just trying in the last knot of his hair to the feather when she told him to turn around. She was sure the pup would like her gift, although he asked what it was. Was it not obvious to him? She moved the feather to where he could see it and smiled. ”Here, it's a feather that fell off 'Fred'. It symbolizes your first catch, even though it wasn't a kill. It'll also be a sigh of friendship. This way your bird friend here can tell which wolf you are.” The mistress thought it was a good idea to gift the pup for catching something and now she did. As she sat back from him to let his sort out his new gift, he mind wandered back to the time her father did this to her. All she was able to catch was a small bird, but her father gifted it to her anyways as making a big step in becoming an adult. She would have to be able to hunt on her own. The she wolf remembered how happy she felt after she got that gift from her father. She closed her eyes to take that moment to remember all the times she had with her father.

Layla was broken from her trance by the warmth of the growing fire on the rock. It was ready for cooking time. Layla then rose to her feet to wend over to her bag. She grabbed her and and was ready to cook the bird. She smiled and moved her orbs to Gideon's pile. ”Would you like me to cook something for you Gideon, or would you like to have some of the meat I have?”

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