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Liliana went to turn back when she saw movement, a black and white wolf… was she really a wolf or half like her, the girl did seem to be an odd color for a wolf, what a joy it would be to meet another wolfdog! She moved closer and soon spotted that this young woman was in pain, and could see from the bulge she was also carrying puppies. Ember didn’t hurt like this when she was pregnant, Liliana looked at the wolf with concern and moved Grace forward more. She could see the wolf didn’t have any dog qualities now, but she wasn’t worried about that anymore it did seem that the womans’ health was in danger.

Hello, may I offer you any assistance?

She asked kindly to the woman who was holding onto a stick, and moving slowly, she could smell a familiarity in her nostrils, one of a pack she had been to. Naryu’s pack; well the one she belong to Dahlia! This made Liliana smile slightly, she loved being able to link someone to another, even if they hadn’t actually met that particular animal before in their lives; it meant that Liliana was where she belonged. In the old days she could never do that because she was always on the walk. It was good to know that she could make new friends and see them more often than she would being with her parents. She watched the other wolf, hoping nothing was terribly wrong, and hoping that she really wasn’t just giving birth, or about to, because Liliana knew nothing about such things, she’d never been in a practice, unless you count birthing foals from horses she had a feeling it didn’t count, since wolves were so much more different than horses, and all, not to mention, horses tended to do most on their own, while Liliana didn’t know if that was the way for wolves, so she really preyed to her own spirit guide that wasn’t the case.


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