A bit of a Request


The sun was parading tall on top of the forever blue ceiling above him when the man finally left his house in Wolfville. The route he instantly followed was the same almost always; down the street and towards the medical centre that he had taken as his study and hospital. Dahlia had several bright healers in the ranks, and so he held no interest in the co-rank. It would be nice for the qualified members to work for a goal, and perhaps someone more skilled than he would fit better as the pack’s official medic. Through hours of study and practising he was in theory a formidable healer. Susquehanna had taught him a lot while she had lived in the lands and there were enough skilful people to learn from and discuss methods with.

He was about to leap into the unlocked building when the gentle, cool breeze spoke of the arrival of a member. The golden man turned and hesitated for only a moment before going against the wind’s direction, moving to meet Layla. They had not seen much of each other lately, and he genuinely wondered how she was doing. Within a few moments he saw her petite form, though her dark clothes had him puzzled for a moment. There was nothing wrong with wearing clothing though, and Conor was probably one of the few that had never bothered much about it. Smiling brightly in her direction, he switched over to a light jog to execute the distance more swiftly. ”Good day, Layla,” he brightly called, though he stopped and wondered as he drew closer. She seemed tired and worn, a bright opposite of the woman he had shared the meal in the garden with. ”Is everything okay?”

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Table by Siekone

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