Time of your Life

table © sie
wc: 300+

The golden man's reassurances fell on relatively deaf ears. Alaine was always prone to worrying - About those she loved, about the future, about how slowly or quickly the time passed. But she worried about Daisuke because the thought of being in a world without him was terrifying. If she allowed herself to dream for a moment, just a moment, about the life that she could have, the life she grasped for, the life that remained just out o f r e a c h, there was always this image of him there, somewhere. His voice, perhaps. Would he love their children? She knew, in her heart, that the answer would surely be yes. But still that poison niggled at her, the haunting memories that plagued her very existence and threatened with every heartbeat to sap her dry.

Alaine could tell, by the way the male looked at her, that he knew there was something she wasn't saying. Something she desperately wanted to say, something that was lodged so hard in her throat that it almost made her eyes water. And when he took her hovering hand and pressed it to his chest, she could feel the sturdy heartbeat there, leaping beneath her pink finger-pads, against the brown wool of her fingerless gloves. And she exhaled a breath she wasn't aware she'd been holding, and allowed the hysteria to settle somewhere a bit more contained.

To his question, the healer returned her owlish emerald gaze to her lover. He was handsome, of that there was no doubt. Rogue smile, dancing ocean eyes. But more than that - He loved her, as she loved him. But it was a strange love, because the strings between them were vast and stretchable, and although Alaine knew she would always love her golden knight, she knew also that it was not the kind of relationship that would bind them together. The pups, though, would. Surprisingly, the thought unsettled her. Although she wanted Daisuke near to her, with every breath she breathed, although she longed for his warm embrace, the thought of chaining him down was almost unbearable. He was a whimsy, a wanderer, and Alaine loved his sense of freedom.

"Well, yes, we're okay... Well, I don't know, I mean, I am, I think, but Caillen, he," Her voice began to speed up, the foreign accent coloring it with a slab of shaky emotion, and the woman's hand trembled against the sturdy muscle of his chest, "Caillen's gone away, Dai, and I don't know if he's alright, and sometimes I think he might be hurt because wouldn't he be home by now? I miss him so dearly, but he said he had to go - Do you think I should have stopped him? It's just so lonely in that house, Dai, A Dhia dhílis, it's just so lonely..."

"... And I'm pregnant. A-a-and you're the... You're the father."

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