Time of your Life
Art in table © Alex

The woman let a tear pass her eye lids, Daisuke unknowing of why the woman was crying, and he almost thought he had done something wrong until the woman had started to giggle right along with him. She pushed into his lap, and he'd, of course, would let her sit there, he got in a comfortable position while holding her close to him. He'd make sure to hold her as tight and close as he could without crushing her, hurting their barely formed puppies. He kissed her again, he couldn't help it. He would still giggle softly and he held her close, never wanting to let her go right now, not ever. Her head would press in his broad, muscular chest. The large man had been his heaviest that he had been ever right now, a substantial amount of lithe muscle that sat under his chest, and had been in his arms and legs as well. He'd become slower, not only because of his foot, but because he was heavier than he had been when winter had rolled around. He'd probably lose the weight he gained back in the winter again when the food became scarce once more.

They will be the woman would speak to him, or to herself, whichever one, but either way, he heard the woman speak about the pups. Daisuke knew that they would be beautiful not only because she was beautiful, but so was Caillen, as well as Daisuke and his family, none of them having any defects that were apparent (rather the Urahazu clan had been known for fiery tempers in young age) to the body and they all had unique and beautiful pelt colors. Daisuke could only imagine what colors the pups would be, and how beautiful they would be. His tail still wagged excitedly. Schwarz cocked his head as he watched the two canids. ~What's going on Daisuke?~ the feline mewed at the wolf-man. Daisuke looked to the watermelon eyed feline and smiled still. ~I'm going to be a father, Schwarz. She's pregnant~ the golden man spoke in low speech to the feline, cooing lightly at the end of his sentence as he held the woman close to him. "No, Dai, you don't have to join... Not at the moment. We'll make it work." the woman would speak to him, and he would look back down at the woman with his blue eyes. He wanted to be there for the pups, but she said that there was no need for him to join for now, and that they will make it work. Daisuke figured that they would eventually. Yes, they would.

"I found out a few days ago, but... I wanted to be sure. And I am sure." the woman would continue to speak to him, her eyes on him for a few more moments before she looked down at her belly. It was still flat, their pups just barely formed in that stomach of hers. ~Congrats~ the feline simply said to the brute before wondering on if they were going to have to join the pack the woman was in. ~What does that mean for us, Dai?~ the feline mewed in his direction. ~I dunno right now. We'll talk about it later.~ the golden man had spoken to the feline before turning his attention back to the woman, to where he put his hand on her flat stomach and he let his warm hand just linger there. He giggled again. I can't believe that I'm going to be a father. I'm so excited Alaine, I really am! the man spoke to her, his tongue reaching out and licking the woman's maw.

Daisuke Speaks

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