Time of your Life

table © sie
wc: 500+

She was warm, wrapped up in his arms. The wind whistled about them, but they were rocks on the cliff, sturdy and strong, and Alaine felt less fragile than she had in a long time. Less likely to blow away to dust at the slightest crack of concentration. She wondered momentarily about the man she'd taken as a lover, and now as the father of her soon-to-be children - Almost shyly, the healer peered up at him, watched the way that the dying sunlight turned his pelt a million different shades of gold. She'd loved him like a friend once, almost like a brother, but now there was a different bond between them brought on by this unspoken promise of new life, new life that they'd both created. Her hand stirred on her flat belly thoughtfully. He would make a good father, she thought - Fun, protective, modest and kind hearted. He would love her children.

The cat made a non-committal sound behind them, which surprised Alaine, for she'd almost forgotten it was there. But what shocked her more was when her lover replied in the same lowspeech. Finding herself dumbstruck by the concept, the woman's jaw dropped slightly at the conversation that passed between them, her wide emerald eyes peering over Dai's shoulder at the feline figure sitting beyond. However, Dai had returned his attention to her, now, and his big warm hand was placed over her flat stomach as if in awe. The contact felt good, so she momentarily ignored the strange lapse in language, and smiled to his devoted lick. "I'm glad, Dai. You have no idea how glad I am, to hear you say that." Her voice was a gentle whisper, almost lost on the breeze as the dainty woman curled herself up against his chest, shutting her eyes against the world that at times could be so cruel but for now seemed almost perfect. Almost, because the only way that this could be better would be if Caillen was here.

"... Dai, I'm going to have to tell Caillen, when he comes back. He has to know." An unsettled frown crossed her features, and she stirred, worried by the thought. "I don't know how he'll react, but... But I have to tell him. You understand, right?" Nervous emerald eyes glanced up at the man. She knew that she would be unable to keep this secret from her son, but she didn't know how he would take the news... Probably, not too well. Disquieted by the thought, the slender woman cast her gaze out to see, as if she could find her answers there. "Play me a song, would you, please? I need to take my mind off of it, and him." She moved to sit beside him again, crosslegged this time, curly tail wrapped about long legs and auburn curls tossed by the cool ocean wind. Emerald gaze lingered on the strange instrument her beau had brought, with the long hairs stretched taught and the strange wooden figure. She knew it made music, but the entire contraption was strange to her - The only instruments Alaine had ever seen were the reed pipes her family used to play.

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