
WC: 547 {5 points}

This day was beginning to feel more and more like torture. Layla was so stupid to think that she could walk such a long distance while in the state of pain she was in and expect herself to feel alright. Perhaps it was best if she just headed home and returned to Saluce’s arms to rest for the rest of the day. The mistress began to lift her figure off the tree and lean back on her stick. Thank goodness the stick was able to support her or surely she’d fall over and hit her face on the ground. A soft sigh passed her lips as she swung her tail and headed for home.

Before she could get far, she could hear something behind her. A hint of fear began to grow inside the she wolf’s chest as she slowly moved her eyes to her corners. She couldn’t see much but she saw a shadow that looked as big as a bear coming towards her. This really wasn’t good. If this shadow was a bear, then she would not be able to run away or defend herself. She quickly scanned her eyes around for a good hiding place. She noticed a rather large rock on the side and made her way to it as fast as she could. Once she made it to the rock, she lowered the stick and herself so she was out of view. Hopefully now if it was a bear, it would ignore her and be on its way back home.

As Layla could hear the creature coming towards her, she peeked over to rock and noticed that it wasn’t a bear at all. The creature turned out to be a horse. With a huge sigh of relieve, she reached for her stick and slowly got back on her feet. What caught the mistress’ eye next was not the horse itself, but the fact that someone was actually riding it. She had seen wild horses before, but never anyone actually riding one. She moved away from the rock and made her way over to the horse. The female on the horse’s back looked to her and offered her help. The black and white she wolf was so used to helping others that she was not exactly used to others offering her help. She gave a soft smile to the stranger and smiled. ”Thank you miss. I’m sorry for before. I thought you were a bear or something.”

Trying not to spook the horse, Layla slowly held out her hand to pet its head. The mistress had never been this close to a horse before and wondered just how they felt. She couldn’t get over how lovely the horse looked too. The dark brown color with hints of white just made it look even more beautiful. ”You’re horse is lovely ma’am. I didn’t even know you could actually ride one.” She tried ot imagine what it would be like if she was able to ride a horse. If she could, it would make walking easier and she would be able to go long distances while she was still pregnant. She kept her hand held out so the horse could sniff it and she would gently rub it along the horse’s face without spooking it.

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