Washing by the Lakeside

I'm so, so sorry for the wait! D:

"Kwe...Meske'i." The bear's voice floated to Skye's head, and she dared to open one eye. The bear had gone from a normal, standing position to a strange one - she was huddled on the ground, round ears as flat as a bear's ears could be, and her tail was pressed against her like she wanted to tuck it underneath her. Skye looked at her curiously. She didn't seem aggressive...and she had spoken, even if they weren't words she could understand.

"I-I'm so sorry, I just haven't seen another wolf in a while and--" The bear seemed to stutter for a moment, and slowly, all the fear drained out of Skye. What was left was only curiosity. She stuttered for a moment more, then fell silent. Something was strange about the sentence she'd just uttered - 'another' wolf? As if she had seen wolves before? Or as if she were a wolf herself? Skye shook the thoughts out of her head - if she'd been terrified before, she wasn't now, and the poor bear seemed more submissive than herself.

"Er...it's okay," Skye began, not exactly sure what to say in this situation. "This isn't my territory or anything. In fact, I don't think it's anyone's territory." She looked behind her at the sopping wet t-shirt and then back to the bear. "Sorry about before...it's just, I've never really seen a bear before, and..." She trailed off, not sure what to say next.

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