I see my memories fade with time

Table by Draggar ♥.

Geneva disliked the rain and the cold as much as any creature, and so when the sky opened up its dam to flood Phoenix Valley, she was not particularly pleased. The thin Whilom had recently acquired a short, flowered dress with a full, handkerchief skirt that floated just above her knees. Now all that cotton material was quickly becoming soaked, making the garment heavier on her body. She also had a shawl around her shoulders which she had thought had just been a pretty bit of material. But now she was especially glad that she had it. The gray wolfess unwrapped her shoulders and used it as makeshift protection from the rain as her pace quickened. She would have to hurry to the Ranch if she wanted to avoid being soaked entirely.

As she hurried toward home, she stopped as there was a blur of color in the periphery. Through the gloom of the rain-soaked darkness, Geneva saw that it was Addison taking shelter from the wet weather beneath a tree. The Whilom immediately changed her direction and headed over to Addison. Although she had heard of the girl's return, she had not actually seen her. Removing the shawl from her face, she let it drape across her arms once more. "Addi, hello!" Geneva greeted her with enthusiasm, despite the wet weather.

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