could you shine your light [p]

<3 you're totally fine. Btw, Grace thinks she's better than sliced bread.

Grace decided to go explore the Valley a bit more. She had left Addison to do whatever it was that she was doing and veered towards the fields that resided snugly against the Ranch. She figured she would not be gone long enough for her sister to really notice her disappearance. And, even if she did, she was close enough to home that there would be no serious repercussions to taking off in the first place. Grace was pretty much free to walk along the Three Moons Ranch anyway, so she wasn't too concerned. So naturally, with blanket draped comfortingly on her back, she left to adventure and journey across the sloping landscape.

Grace was getting into the habit of bringing her blanket everywhere she went. She toted the lavender and chenille comfort on her back like an ill fitted saddle. The ends dragged carelessly to the ground as she walked and was rapidly beginning to lose their baby soft color, but her love for the deteriorating fabric was never ending. Instead, she felt empowered by it, and was willing to take risks and do things she might have not been able to do without her precious blanket. She crawled underneath fallen logs and painstakingly snapped off dandelions for a showcase collection in tribute to Addison.

She felt like her own superhero, really. And as such, she flounced like one. Scrambling on top of bounding over boulders, she exuded confidence in herself and in her distressed victims! Falling off of said rock leaping from statuesque heights, she was ready for action whenever it called. Faster than a slow moving turtle Faster than a speeding bullet, she waddled darted from spot to spot like a blue eyed ninja. Unfortunately, Grace had no one to showcase her magnificent superhero talents in front of. And if she didn't have an audience, what good was being a superhero - seriously?

So, glancing from side to side in hopes of her new audience, she lifted her head for an awesome roar of challenge and excitement. She inhaled dramatically and deeply, shutting the air in to make a magnificent howl of heroics. Vivid blue eyes glistening in the pure exultation, she let it all go in one long whimpering cry. "Arrouuwooowoooowooo."

amazing table by james <3

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