Well I guess we're doing alright

Ruri :] 2

The pregnant Dauphine smiled as the young woman introduced herself. She normally would have stood to greet the woman properly, but she was still too tired to stand up yet. Half-folded ears perked in interest before she replied, "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Ever. I'm glad you joined our pack. What's your horse's name? My mate is the pack's Marshall, he keeps the stables, so I spend a lot of time around the pack's horses. I think they are just some of the most wonderful creatures," she replied, turning the conversation to the stallion standing next to Ever. Horses were truly wonderful indeed. Heath could attest to all the many qualities that made them so wonderful, but she could only think of a few. They're long flowing manes and tails, their personalities, the fact that they were so big and strong. They were just wonderful!

The lautari turned as a change in the wind carried with it the scent of her cat. He was obviously nearby. Probably keeping an eye on her right now. "Come here and introduce yourself, Soleil," she called behind her, milky blue eyes wandering aimlessly. Her command had been gentle and kind, as she was, but it had carried enough authority to be taken seriously by the adolscent cat. She appreciated that he was so protective of her, and cautious, but he needed to learn to accept strangers more quickly. The orange kitten did as his mistress commanded, climbing down from the roof and bounding towards her side, green eyes fixed on the large horse in front of her. The stallion had obviously taken a dislike to his presence. If the situation escalated, Soleil would be ready. However, for now he simply brushed against his mistress' lowered hand, announcing his presence with a touch.

With one hand resting on her bumpy of a belly, and the other stroking Soleil's head, the Dauphine's attention returned to Ever. "This is my cat, Soleil. He's very protective of me, and thinks every new person I meet is a threat. He's really friendly once he decides your okay, though. That usually doesn't take him long." Though she could not see Soleil's actions, she could guess based upon most people's initial reactions to him. They would always ask if he was friendly, which probably meant that he had been staring at them intently, analyzing whether or not they were a threat. Of course, deep down under that protective personality lurked a big teddy bear of a cat who loved to be cuddled and stroked.

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