moving on to a different place

Delicious poop.

Upon the woman’s answer, Clover had to wonder what was meant behind her statement. Was she the one to create this surname from seemingly nothing and then pass it along to her children and generations beyond, or did it simply mean she was the first Lykoi of importance (for perhaps a parent of the scarred woman had carried the name)? Either way, the straw tinted orbs glowed slightly with perhaps a bit more admiration. If she was the first Lykoi, then there was no doubt that not only was she family, but this woman was a fundamental character in the family’s foundation. No doubt Clover’s respect was automatically requested. Her smile broadened slightly, nodding at her father’s name, and then the woman revealed that she was in fact her grandmother. No matter what Razekiel had or hadn’t done to Clover’s sister, she still had an immense amount of love for her family and there had yet to be anything to really taint that perspective.

"It’s nice to meet you, Miss Kaena." Since now she knew for sure it was her grandmother before her, Clover wanted to kneel and offer the woman her embrace, but somehow she found it might be slightly awkward for their difference of stature. It was a strange thing to know that this woman was her father’s mother. Somehow, it just didn’t seem real. Still, it was very wonderful to find family here. Perhaps, Clover thought, this decision to join Inferni’s ranks wasn’t such an awful idea after all.. even if Razekiel had warned her of horrid things. "Oh, yes," she responded eagerly. "I’ve been living not far from here along the Bay, but I’ve decided there’s no need for me to be alone. And I knew that aside from Dad, that I had family here. It just seemed to make sense." Focusing on the remaining golden eye of her elder, Clover silently wondered what her grandmother would think of her sudden arrival at the clan’s doorstep.

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