went and put me in the ground.

Sepirah's activity around Inferni had not gone unnoticed; the silver-shaded coyote had been keeping a close eye on the girl, determined to keep her close. Enkiel did not show signs of fading, though he had yet to involve himself with the clan—perhaps if Sepirah were to make friends within Inferni, she would be less likely to leave. Kaena did not doubt that her brother Mkhai and that mysterious fourth brother would eventually make their way to Inferni once more or for the first time. Even so, she did not wish for Sepirah to depart, as well—family was especially important to the scarred hybrid, and keeping it close would do her well. The sable woman did not possess a delicate natur; there was nothing in Sepirah suggesting she was anything less than perfectly suited for Inferni's lifestyle.

The sounds of an approach caught the old coyote's attention, and she turned around expectantly, her yellow-golden eye peering into the evening's gloom to determine the source of the noise. Sepirah arrived shortly, and spoke—to this, the Centurion offered a yellowed tooth in a grin, and nodded her head affirmatively. “Of course,” she responded, her coal-and-white tail twisting in the air momentarily, an indication of jest. She had been spending more time in her four-legged form as of late; with the products Clover provided, her legs and arthritis were less bothersome. “It is. Very quiet,” the coyote commented, tilting her head. “You can just barely hear the ocean from here,” she offered after a moment, smiling. It was a comforting noise; the scarred woman had lived near the water her whole life, and she could not imagine Inferni without a coastline.

Table thanks to Ithen!
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