The bag of holding

OOC here!

"Yea. Mostly I tried to use dead, still standing trees." There were many reasons for using lifeless wood. For one it would already be dried down and one could avoid the worry of the logs warping. The bark would strip off easier as well, if any was even left on the logs. Most importantly it spared those trees that still lived. Anann was proud of her home. She was proud of anything she made with her own paws. Her home would leak some in the rain and there would be cracks that the winter wind would howl through but it was hers.

There were so many paintings in the room it was almost a visual overload. Anann found her eyes travelling the room time and time again. Every time she looked she noticed something she had missed before. Sometimes a whole painting would seem to come materialize from thin air as it caught her eye or maybe it was the detail of one she had already scanned over that would jump out at her. She recognized the subject of one painting that rested on her easel, stepping closer for a better look."Wow, this one of Cambria is amazing!" Awe was evident in her tone as she gave it a second look.

Anann began roaming around the room, captivated by the art work around her, every now and again tossing a glance at Mati just to be sure she wasn't over stepping any boundaries. She gave a nod to the artist's question, eyes still locked on the painting she was looking at. It struck her as a slightly odd question, though Anann quickly remembered that Anu had once had a female mate. She had been about to dismiss it all together when her mind made a connection."So, you and Cambria, are you two together then?" It was a bold assumption to make and as soon as the words slipped off her tongue Anann worried she was wrong and hoped she had not just offended her new friend.

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