Happy are those who day dream

Thanks for RPing with me! <3 <3 Sorry I've been so slow...School's kicking my butt. xD

"Oh, yes. Thank you for telling it to me."

Element smiled to himself. It was clear that Alder had liked the story; the expression of awe on the puppy's face as well as the almost sad surprise that the story was over told Element that the story had made that much of impression on the young wolf. He hoped that the impression was more than just the wonder of the story, although that had been great in itself - but the story taught a lesson. It taught that you didn't need to be the leader of a pack, or the strongest person, or have the most things. It taught that it was your heart, and what was in it, that mattered in the end - that the heart of the good conquered that of the evil, which didn't even have one. That's what the story taught, and Element hoped that Alder remembered that.

But for now...Element looked out at the almost setting sun and looked back to Alder. Of course, the small puppy would have lost track of time during the entire story...so Element smiled at him. "I'm very glad you liked it," he said. "I liked it as a kitten, too." He looked out at the sun once more and then back at Alder. "But perhaps it's time to go back to your pack - you wouldn't want your mother to worry, and neither would I." He winked at the puppy - a secret, just between the two of them, of how they'd spent the day.

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