the future surrounds us
For a very fleeting moment Hymn thought that it might be better for everyone if she just turned and went on her way. She hadn't ever stuck around long enough to truly know her family, so how could she expect them to know her? She had abandoned her grandmother, her siblings, and even her own mother, all for a man who wasn't even really her father. Even to that very day she still didn't understand why he had left them. The young woman had traveled far and long to find him, to get answers to her questions, only to be left without a trace of him at the very end. It was better off that way, perhaps. It had broken her heart when he told her that he wasn't really her father, when he explained how she came about. She'd left in a fit of anger toward her mother for hiding it, ran away. She understood now, though, but somehow she knew it was to late.

Her attention drifted away from her thoughts at the exclamation of her name, bringing her eyes to the woman that she knew as her grandmother. A very faint, unsure smile stretched across her face then, broken only by the shaken breath that came afterwards. It was some kind of miracle that she'd been recognized. Even still, the chocolate woman felt slightly out of place. What right did she have coming to seek out her family after she had abandoned them all so long ago? There wasn't time to dwell on the thought, Fatin turn and regarded them all once more, inviting them to stay. A few spoke, accepting her offer to stay and introducing themselves, but Hymn was hesitant.

Finally she shuffled forward, only a few short steps, and cleared her throat. "Hymn Kiles." She said then, quiet and awkward. It was the first time she'd ever introduced herself with her mother's name. "Mom is gone, isn't she?" Bright green eyes turned toward Fatin then, watching and waiting. Somehow, Hymn already knew.


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