Walking on a New Horizon

300+ words.

The wind nearly knocked the pup off of his four feet. He grunted in frustration. Stupid wind. Annoyed, he muttered quietly and continued forward. The sun was setting and he knew what he didn't want to admit; he was lost. Very, very lost. So lost that he was ready to cry. "Don' wanna be here anymore," he whined, pausing in his tracks. He didn't think anyone could hear him, but it felt good to get it out. Angry, he swiped his paw across the ground.

The day had been pleasant when he started out that morning from his new home with the King. Curious about the pack lands, he had taken to wandering during his day, meeting new people and taking a happier disposition. Vigilante, Niro, Ever. Enough people to make him enjoy himself as he wandered. That was the reason he left every morning, to meet new people. But something had gone awry. All of the trees and rocks and grass started to look the same as he loped ponderously towards some undefined destination.

The tears started to come, a disgusting snuffle of snot matching their appearance. He wanted to go home, without being stuck in the wind or the night light. "Don' wanna be here anymore..." His whining had lessened, taking a tone drained of hope. He was sure he'd never find his way back, and then he'd be stuck alone in the middle of nowhere. It didn't occur to him that maybe someone would look for him.

The feel of sand beneath his small, puppy toes made the dispair disappear. He had made his way to the beach, a place he loved to roam. Crabs, big clawed things, were a favorite to chase and play with; he learned not to play too closely, of course, lest his paw fall victim to the strong pincers. And as his brown eyes scanned the sandy stretch, his tail started to wag. Still on the beach, watching the setting sun, was another wolf. Optime, standing tall in a form he had yet to master or even use, she was a bright white. He looked relieved and sprinted across the sand with difficulty, not caring who it was or if they were friendly. The sight of another brought the hope back that he wouldn't be lost much longer.

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