Walking on a New Horizon

WC: 357 (3 Points)

Niro was near the coastline himself letting his golden eagle companion fish, he was astounded at her prowress in fishing when she had no one to teach her such things, she fished even better than he did! Ever since he’d given her the fish so long ago she’d been coming back with bits for him to eat, he’d do it happily as he enjoyed the savory salty sea creatures. The sand made it hard for him to use his crutch but it was ok for him, he was starting to get used to using it on all types of terrain, his ears twitched when he heard a voice, a young familiar one and he only knew one pup that was normally alone, he turned and saw Kam bounding toward a stranger, someone he didn’t know and was too far to smell so his first thoughts were trespasser, he moved as fast as he could, his eyes sharp, his stare not his normal happy, but more of a stern glow in the dimming light. But it lightened as he came closer and was able to smell the female’s scent, He swallowed feeling stupid, she was a new member it seemed, he’d been holing himself up so long. The injured wolf tried to hide his once unhappy face into a small smile.

Greetings, I don’t think we have met. I’m Niro.

He turned to Kam who’d now caught up and they were all near one another he seemed a little scared and tense. Had he gotten into some trouble?

Hi Kam, is everything alright?

Marahute was returning herself. It seemed she was finished with her fishing and glided ovr to Niro, where she perched on the shoulder that was not supported by the crutch. She seemed quite content and she was watching the two, though she was much more relaxed around the pup she did not know the female that was there. Her defense was on the rise as she puffed out her feathers in agitation, Niro, who was finally able to use his hands to calm her was able to keep her settled as he waited for answers.

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