moving on to a different place

table © Alaine
Word Count :: 311 derp :3

Though the coyote woman was intrigued by Clover's offer, she did not offer more than a simple verbal confirmation to the idea, finding anything worth tolerating if it would alleviate some of the stiffness she felt in the morning, and even more worth it if it took away the day-long aches. There was curiosity in the coyote—she clearly had no idea what the copper-hued woman had in store, but she declined to inquire until they had reached their destination. Instead, the conversation focused on the last place Clover resided—Juniper Peace. The hybrid woman had heard this name before from Razekiel, but she could not have recalled it so readily.

A faint smile lingered on the scarred muzzle of the old woman as Clover spoke of her homeland; it would have made Kaena disappointed, indeed, to hear of grandchildren living less-than-acceptable lives outside of her Inferni. So far, none had returned with a backstory that displeased her or made her rage for them. Sage, Clover, China, and their yet-unknown siblings—if there were more; Kaena could not recall how many Razekiel had claimed as his—had the Juniper Peace place. The coyote nodded at the mention of Clover's sisters, frowning.

“I'm glad you had a good place when you were young. Your sisters, Sage and China, didn't stay long at all,” the hybrid said, clear regret in her voice for this; the silver-shaded woman did not know if there was anything more she might have done to get the pair of coyotes to have stayed. “I'm sure they'll be back, though. Didn't think your daddy would ever be back, but look at him now,” the coyote said, turning her head to Clover entirely, smiling. “Have you visited him yet?” It had been some time since she had spoken with Razekiel; certainly, he would have mentioned Clover's arrival in the area.

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