The Passion
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OOC: 501 (5 points) oh what fuuunnn


Since he’d gotten back to his old self, and asked Amaranth to be his, now he had to get back to what he loved the most. His falconry, not to mention he’d been keeping quiet and bringing the axe that was kept at the stables to cut down some trees in the forest, to make boards for the cave that he now lived in with Amaranth. It was a long silent process, but he knew he could do it without his mate finding out, he wanted to surprise her. He was taking a break from that, he was trying to get Tobias to calm down around him. He wanted to bite Niro, whenever he got close, Niro brought Tobias with him almost everywhere, except home. Only Marahute shared that with Niro, Tobias went back to the stables every night.

He was out walking with the two birds, the redtailed hawk sitting on his arm and the golden eagle flying above, it was almost like he’d never been injured… except for the crutch under his right arm and the missing pinkie on his left. He still thanked all the stars that’s all he lost because it could have been worse and if Alaine wasn’t there, things would have gone for the worse. He wasn’t letting Tobias fly today, though ne knew the bird wanted to, he was afraid of losing the hawk for good if he didn’t keep a hold of him until he gained the birds trust once again. That’s why he had him with him, though he felt a good few pinches on his nose, ear, or cheek, he would not let any anger show, in fact he felt he deserved such treatment for the way things had gone and the actual neglect he’d given Tobias, but he knew he’d make up for it at least, and he was now, letting the bird bite him, though he didn’t stand for anything that drew blood.

He spotted a horse nearby and it seemed to be an oddity, Niro was use to seeing the horses at the stables, and knew wild ones always were in a group, this was alone, with no other horse anywhere nearby, was there someone close? He was no longer right inside of Cour des Miracles, in fact he’d left the border only a foot away, though he could smell it he was no longer inside the haven that had brought him such peace.

Hello? Anyone there?

He called out, he saw the horse lift his head up, but he wanted to wait, he wasn’t sure whether or not someone was there, and he wanted to make sure that they weren’t before seeing if the horse was wild or tame. He’d learned from Heath, though he probably didn’t know, that there were a few things about wild and kept horses that were the same or different. This one seemed to be kept by someone but he couldn’t see anyone, just a few trees dotting around, one of them being nearly five feet from him.


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