
Sorry for the wait. @.@

He grew tired of pacing back and forth very quickly and stopped a bit ahead of Niro to wait (and catch his breath). Curiously, he tilted his head to watch the older male, only then realizing that he seemed a bit at a disadvantage. Was something wrong with his leg? He wasn't sure, since he had never been faced with injury; it was as new as any of the sights around him at that moment.

The talk of homes made his mind turn away from the possibility of a wound on his new friend, ears perking up happily. "Long ways away?" The idea that there was anything other than the place he was now was astonishing, almost fantasical, but the notion of 'bad wolves' was distressing. Kambujiya glanced around uneasily, his ears falling back again. "Bad wofves? Why they bad?"

As he cast another glance over his shoulder, he inched closer to Niro, seeming fearful. If there were bad wolves around, maybe he shouldn't have wandered away from his new home. Perhaps he should have stayed where he would be safe instead of where they could get him. And if they took Niro's parents away, maybe they took his momma too. He slumped ever so slightly into the ground, forlorn.

"Mama go 'way. Big scary big thing make me 'n Army 'n Lissa 'n Mari go 'way too. Hurted Tholie." He cast a glance at the ground, the memory of the dead pup still fresh in his mind despite the time he spent away from his home. His brother and sisters had disappeared, though he was unsure where. Somewhere else, though. He didn't think they'd followed him.

Shaking his head, he looked back to Niro and then to the sky. "Where Marahute go?"

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